Tired of Knee Pain?
Discover The 3 Step System That Helps People To Reduce Their Knee Pain, Improve Their Mobility And Return To Doing Things They Enjoy
In this 20 minute training, I will share
  • ​3 new discoveries to help manage knee pain and improve function
  • ​Why over 50% of people with knee pain often don’t get the results they are looking for
  • ​How my clients reduce their knee pain and are able to get back to their favourite activities
  • ​The proper way to move that can actually improve knee health
  • ​The unexpected reason why joint supplements can be a waste of money
  • ​And much more!
About your host
Suzie Foreman is best known for helping people to lessen their knee pain so that they can avoid knee replacement surgery and return to living their best lives. Her program uses natural techniques and lessens the need for medication.

Suzie is an Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapist, and a strength and conditioning coach. Suzie has over 35 years of experience treating people with knee pain.  

She is a certified GLAD Instructor, sports therapist and a level 3 manual therapist.
All costs are eligible for HSA coverage
Yes, I am ready to get Joint Pain Relief
This is for people with knee joint complaints who want to reduce their pain
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